Reverse Tether Android (Rooted/Unrooted) Over Wi-Fi/Usb
Hi Dear AndroidTrickshub Lovers , Today I'm gonna show you a awesome tricks in which you can Reverse Tether Android your android Phone .There are many different situations where you might want to connect your laptop and mobile device to share Internet access. Most traditional tethering cases involve using a cell phone as a modem to get a laptop or tablet online, but sometimes you just might want to do the reverse – i.e. you might want to use your laptop’s data connection to enjoy Internet access on your Android phone or iPhone, tablet, or any other mobile device. This is called ‘Reverse Tethering’.

You can accomplish this “reverse tether” from your Windows PC or Mac to your Android or iPhone device in a couple of ways.
In short, Reverse tether means surfing on your phone using the ADSL of your PC.
Here is the complete tutorial on how to reverse tether your phone:
There are two ways you can reverse tether your Android phone –
Over Wi-Fi
For non-rooted users –
1. An Internet connection with Windows 7 installed on your systems2. A Wi-Fi connection (available on laptops or you may use a dongle)
3. Connectify software.
Steps by Step Guide to free reverse tether for pc –
1. Install connectify if you are configuring for the first time.
2. In SSID type the connection name you want to give.
3. Give password if you want to use a secured network.
4. Now select from the connection you want to share i.e. your present internet connection which you are using
5. Select the Wi-Fi network using which you will connect your Android Phone.
6. Select encryption.
a) “Open” if you do not wish to use any password.
b) “WAP/WEP2? or any encryption from the available drop down.
7. Now switch on your Phone Wi-Fi.
8. Click starts Hotspot.
9. Give the password when asked for on your phone.

10. You are done, now you will see an active or inactive client in the connectify.
Reverse tether For Rooted User
Requirements:-1. Rooted Phone
2. Wi-Fi enabled Laptop or PC.
3. Es file explorer or any other application which gives system access (link)
4. File in the attachment.
I am not the developer of the files supplied
Phone:Download and extract “wpa_supplicant” from it, and then save it on your SD card.
Open Es file Explorer
Navigate to system /bin and copy wpa_supplicant and paste the file into any folder on your SD card. This will be used as a backup.
Now navigate to the file you downloaded, copy it and paste it back to system -> bin.
Note, you need to mount the system as R/W instead of R/O by pressing a button on the top just before pasting the file.
Reboot.Reverse Tethering USB
For Non-rooted Users –
For non-rooted user reverse tether process is very complex and very limited which is why I am not discussing it here if you have knowledge about connections in your Pc then you can try this tutorial…orwarding.aspx
For rooted Users –
This tutorial is based on this app by capslock66 on xda if u have any issue post hereRequirements:
1. A rooted android phone.
2. USB tunnel app.
3. Desktop files and apps needed for reverse tether.
Start with Unpacking the zip file. This zip files holds the android APK, windows part and ADB.
You must install drivers for your device. Generic driver provided by Google is on the
You can also check the Universal Naked Driver
Ensure that you have debugging enabled on your mobile phone :
Now –
Settings > Applications > Development > USB Debugging > Turn On
Ensure that you have root access AND SuperUser application installed.
Change the SuperUser settings (to do this : Menu -> Preferences -> Notifications part) :
Uncheck “Notifications” label to display “Do not show notification when an app is granted Su Permissions”
1. Connect your Android phone to your desktop via USB cable. Do not turn on USB storage.
2. Open the folder. Open android tool application
The AndroidTool.exe is the windows part

3. Start reverse tether
Just click “Connect”.
If you are using this program for the first time, this will install the latest android package and dependencies (busybox and redsocks).
The SuperUser process may ask you to allow “Usb tunnel”

4. Enjoy.

If you have Completed the whole process and did not get any error popping up, then congratulations! Reverse tethering is done and you should be able to use your PC connection on your android phone. If it doesn’t work then post the connection log with the error you are facing in our comments section.
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