Top 7 PUBG Mobile Tips & Tricks You Should Know

- 11:26 AM
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In this guide, you’ll find some essential tips and tricks that will put you ahead of the pack in PUBG mobile and help you bag those sweet, sweet chicken dinners.

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Adjust Graphics Quality

Adjust the graphics quality according to your phone’s capabilities. PUBG Mobile does this automatically, but if you feel like your game is lagging or dropping frames, you can lower it further, and vice-versa. A higher graphics quality setting will definitely make it easier to spot other enemies, but if your phone starts lagging or dropping frame, make the trade-off and opt for a higher frame-rate instead.

Turn on Peek and Fire

In Settings (the settings cog on the top-right), go to Basic. Here, turn on ‘Peek & Fire.’ This allows you to peek from behind cover, allowing you to take shots without exposing too much of yourself. Keep in mind, you’ll still expose your head, so use it with caution.

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Choose where to land very carefully

A game of PUBG can last as long as half an hour or, if things go horribly wrong, it can all be over in a few seconds. One surefire way of exiting early is by misjudging your initial landing spot.

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As a general rule of thumb, you want to aim for the best loot spots in the game’s Erangel map (the desert map, Miramar, will launch in a future update) while also avoiding as many other players as possible. There are some particular areas that regularly spawn the best weapons and armor such as the military base, power plant, or the various major towns, but bare in mind that other seasoned players will be heading there too.

Loot first, shoot later

Let me re-emphasize this one last time—if you die in PUBG you are dead. In solo play, there are no second chances, and in squads you’ll be putting your team’s chances of victory at risk if you keep getting downed early.

pubg mobile supply drop

Health items are also a priority. First aid kits are preferable, but bandages, painkillers, and the like will all help in a pinch. Thrown items like grenades will become more important later on as an offensive or distraction tool once the player count has diminished, but don’t be afraid to throw an explosive surprise if you come across an unsuspecting group early on.

Enable The Left Side Fire Button

In Settings -> Basic, enable the ‘left-side fire’ button to easily shoot with the left hand while aiming with the right. This is very handy in scoped shots. Without the left-side fire button, you’ll find yourself aiming and shooting with the same hand, which, believe me, is really difficult.

Hide Inside Vehicles

Sitting in the co-driver seat of a vehicle keeps it off, allowing you to hide inside without alerting other players to your presence. They’ll still be able to see you, but unless you parked your vehicle in the middle of the desert, there’s no reason for most players to suspect that a player may be sitting inside a vehicle and not driving it.

Heal Like a Pro

While healing, you can move for 0.5 seconds without cancelling the action. When in a hurry, start moving when there’s 0.5 seconds of the heal left, giving you a headstart. This comes in handy when the circle is closing up behind you and you need to run quickly, or when you’re taking a short healing-break in the midst of a firefight.

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Well, those were 7 PUBG Mobile tips and tricks that ought to help you on your way to becoming an awesome PUBG Mobile player. Use these tricks in order to get better loot, find the perfect PUBG landing spots, and survive till the very end and get that chicken dinner. If you come across some more PUBG tricks that you think we should include here, let us know in the comments section below.

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